Friday, 17 May 2013

Sony has added the Xperia Tablet Z to AOSP!

   Lately Sony have been busy getting themselves into the good books of the developer world! First they added the Sony Xperia S, last year's flagship, to the Android Open Source Project and this year they've gone ahead and put their flagship tablet the Xperia Tablet Z into the same exclusive club!

   We're not entirely sure what this will mean as far as software updates go because it hasn't really helped the speed of the rollout for the Xperia S, but hopefully Sony's tablet experience is more akin to stock Android than their phone offering is. This is definitely the case on our original Sony Tablet S, but we're not sure if this has carried through their tablet line!

   No matter what happens it's good to see Sony engaging with the community and even CyanogenMod have gone on record praising Sony for their steps lately as you can see in the tweet below! Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and check out the AOSP demo from Sony's developer blog which is also embedded below!
Via XperiaBlog.


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