Saturday, 25 May 2013

Editorial: 'The giant phone quandary: What is the sweet spot?'

   We live in a world where phones are getting bigger and bigger every year, the only company who seem to be resisting the trend is Apple. While every major Android manufacturer has their flagship device sitting at 4.7" or bigger the iPhone is standing firm at 4". Smaller phones aren't for everyone though and some times we start thinking to ourselves that the 4.7" Samsung Galaxy S3 is a little bit too small.

   That leaves us with a bit of a quandary: Do we go for something like the Galaxy Note, which is 5 and a half inches or do we really push the size and go for something like the Asus FonePad to use as our daily driver?

   That's a big problem because the Galaxy Note 2 is something which people would recognise as a phone, but the Asus FonePad is essentially a 3G tablet which you can make calls from. That's where the Samsung Galaxy Mega comes in. It's right in a sweet spot between the two, let me explain why.

   The Galaxy Mega 6.3 is set to offer great performance from its dual core Cortex-A15 processor, it has a good 720p screen, it will have a removable battery, it will have a good rear camera and most importantly it will have the bezels which you expect to see on a smartphone! They are thin and that extra difference will be enough to make it a 'phablet' and not merely a tablet with phone capabilities.

   The Asus Fonepad on the other hand is a tablet, the bezel is just like a tablet would have. It's wide all the way around and it's hard to hold in one hand when we got to play with one.

   The problem is noone has got everything right. The FonePad is a snip at £180 and it performs admirably, but we need our phone on us to pull out when we get our WhatsApp from our friends in Australia. That's what the Samsung Galaxy Mega offers us, but it's £460 if you want to pre-order one. That gulf in cost simply can't be justified by the addition of a slightly better processor and a rear 8MP camera.

   So our request tech companies is that we want a phone which will fit in your pockets, which will have a rear camera for the spontaneous snaps and for the price of a 7" tablet. We're not asking too much are we?


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