Thursday, 23 May 2013

EE drop the HTC First before it even arrives!

   Over the past few days we've been hearing a lot about HTC's woes and how much they've been struggling, but according to the internet today we've finally got confirmation that their 'Facebook phone,' the HTC First will not arrive on UK shores.

   The original plan was that EE were going to offer the phone on their lovely 4G network, but in the face of extremely disappointing sales on AT&T in the US, it seems that the decision has been taken to cancel the venture.

   The rumour originally appeared on MobileNewsCWP this morning, but Slashgear have reported receiving this statement from EE:
"Following customer feedback, Facebook has decided to focus on adding new customisation features to Facebook Home over the coming months. While they are working to make a better Facebook Home experience, they have recommended holding off launching the HTC First in the UK, and so we will shortly be contacting those who registered their interest with us to let them know of this decision.
Rest assured, we remain committed to bringing our customers the latest mobile experiences, and we will continue to build on our strong relationship with Facebook so as to offer customers new opportunities in the future."
   What do you think? Are you upset the 'Facebook phone' won't land in the UK, or was it never in your plans? Let us know in the comments below!
MobileNewsCWP Via Pocketlint and Slashgear.


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