Tuesday, 28 May 2013

How much is the Xbox One's custom silicon worth to AMD? $3 billion plus!

   Microsoft's Xbox One will undoubtedly prove to be hugely popular console and although they have't said much about it yet the deal with AMD for the new 8-core APU which will be in the new console! If one of the ex-VP's of business development at AMD is correct then Microsoft paid a whopping $3 billion to make the most of the new chips!

   The news comes right from Bob Feldstein, who is now the Vice President of Technology Licensing at NVIDIA, but in time gone by he was employed by AMD and given he helped work on the “business management and supply agreement negotiations” with Microsoft whilst at AMD, he probably knows his stuff about the deal! Indeed, he said that, "AMD provided a custom silicon solution to Microsoft for the Xbox One, a game console and entertainment device."

   Feldstein didn't have any interesting information to offer up on the Sony use of AMD processors in the PS4, but perhaps he's holding that back for another day.  It's not like Feldstein has too much love for his ex-employer because they chose to sue him for supposedly stealing company secrets and handing them to his new employer Nvidia!

   That $3 billion is big money and we're sure Microsoft will get the most out of their investment!
GameChup Via Slashgear.


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