Thursday, 28 March 2013

OUYA's are up for pre-order at GAME in the UK!

   OUYA has already had a huge $8.5 million Kickstarter campaign and they've announced that the console can be picked up in a tonne of brick and mortar stores around the United States, but today we have the first British company to announce that they'll be offering the device and that is GAME!

   If you were unfortunate enough to not have been able to back the device through KickStarter then you can now pre-order it from GAME! The console won't be with you until June, but that's not too much of a wait now! 

   So how much is this going to cost you? Well, the console has been priced up at £99.99 and the extra controllers will set you back £39.99 each and we assume you get one in the box right off the bat!

   GAME isn't down as an official stockist just yet so they might just be making sure that they get their hand in before everyone else starts offering pre-orders on this side of the pond too! Let us know what you think though. For that price would you be tempted to drop £100 on it? As always put your thoughts in the comments below!
Via TheNextWeb.


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