Sunday 17 March 2013

Feedly gain more than 500,000 new users in two days!

   Two days ago Feedly published a blog post which outlined just how huge the scale of migration has been since Google announced that they were shutting down Google Reader on the 1st of July! Feedly has reported that they have had over 500,000 new users added to their service in just over 48 hours and that number is probably a little higher now.

   Because of this huge sudden influx, it will obviously take some work on Feedly's part to keep everything going smoothly and the guys have promised that their:
"Main priorities over the next 30 days are 1) to keep the service up, 2) listen to new users for suggestions and 3) add features weekly."
   One way they have decided to keep the service going is by increasing their bandwidth by ten times and they have added new servers!

   To meet the second and third promises they have said that they will be actively listening to new feature suggestions via their brand new 'uservoice forum' and they have also confirmed that they will be pushing out new releases to their reader on a weekly basis!

   In case you are a Google Reader user and you haven't picked your new service of choice yet, then Feedly have a dedicated page to help you with the move here!
Feedly Via TheVerge.


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