Tuesday, 19 March 2013

CyanogenMod for Galaxy S4? Yeah, that's not happening!

   Samsung and their Android smartphones have a kind of love/hate relationship in developer circles. When things started out with the original Galaxy S things were great, the 'Hummingbird' CPU was prime for overclocking and the ROM development scene was good. If we fast forward to the Galaxy S3 things were a little fiery at times. Developers got frustrated by the lack open source software for the quad-core Exynos processor, something which made custom ROM development a lot easier on the Snapdragon based version!

   TeamHacksung seem pretty confident the Exynos-based variant will have exactly the same issues again and for that very reason team member XpLoDWilD said that:

"Nobody at Team Hacksung (the team behind Galaxy S2, Note, S3, Note2, G Tabs... official CM ports) plans to buy it, neither develop for it. There are two variants which will be a pain to maintain, [and] the bugs we have on the S3 will probably be there on S4, too (camera), and we all know Samsung ability to release sources while staying in line with mainline. Yes Qualcomm releases sources, but Exynos sources we had were far from [working on] actual Galaxy products. I'm pretty sure the same will happen for this one.
That's a uniform "no" from us."

   For those of you out there who love to mod you phone this will probably be a huge blow, but given that there is a huge number of consumers out there that don't tinker quite as much, we sincerely doubt this news will make a bigger dent on sales outside our circles!
XDA Via AndroidCommunity.


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