Blackberry's Z10 is meant to be one of the key instruments in saving the company. It's a great device, it's snappy, aesthetically pleasing and Blackberry are committed to it. The first reassurance of the company's commitment is through a brand new software update for the phone, supposedly focused on what the Canadian's have been hearing from users.
This update, version, will give users five enhancements and fixes for those little niggles which users have been reporting. This first of which is '3rd Party App Performance' and Blackberry claim that the update will 'improve performance' and now apps will run faster and smoother and they point to the upcoming release of WhatsApp on the platform as a teaser for what's in store.
The Phone, Calendar, and Contacts also got the once over, with numerous fixes for the Gmail calender on BB10, along with 'improvements' in the way the Blackberry Hub logs calls and how conversations are dealt with. Blackberry also claim to have 'made general improvements to importing contacts from online sources', but they didn't expand.
One big thing which customers reported was the issue of low-light camera performance and so now the camera has been optimized 'for better photos in low-light situations'! Similarly Blackberry have touched up the way the browser handles online video and media, so you should see some improvements there too!
The final and possibly the most important change regards the battery life. This is a problem for pretty much every smartphone at the moment, it's notoriously hard to get a full day worth of usage out of one charge! So it's good to hear that the update will offer '60 [unspecified] battery saving improvements', these are supposedly aimed to give noticeable 'improvements in battery life and heavy users especially should see a longer average usage per charge cycle', both of which are nothing but good news!
All of that adds up to quite a large update, somewhere in the region of 150MB in fact, so Blackberry recommend you download via WiFi for the sake of speed and your data plan! The update will pop up as a notification over “the coming weeks”, or if you head to Software Updates in the settings menu and hit “Check for Updates” you can pull it down right away!
Blackberry Via Slashgear.
Blackberry Via Slashgear.