Monday, 15 April 2013

Samsung in trouble for hiring people to take shots at HTC!

Image Credit: TechnoBuffalo.
   We know Samsung and HTC have had a little bit of fun with each other lately, they took things quite seriously at the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S4 a little while back! It seems that either Samsung pre-empted that strike or they just didn't want the HTC One to get all the good press because they were employing people to write negative things about HTC's flagship device.

   The Taiwanese Fair Trade Commission has reported that on Monday they had launched a formal investigation into Samsung's naughty tactics and they'll look into whether or not Samsung is guilty of false advertising and damaging the reputation of another business, the agency said. In the meantime the company 'has halted all Internet marketing such as posting articles on websites'.

   If found guilty Samsung could face fines of up to NT$25 million (US$837,500) for violating the Fair Trade Act.

   When Samsung Taiwan were asked for comment their reply was that they were unaware that they were under investigation in the first place. Interestingly though, the Koreans posted on their Taiwanese Facebook page expressing their regret for causing “any inconvenience and confusion” in their recent web-based campaigns. 

   HTC offered the following statement in response to the issues:
   "We regret our competitor's malicious attacks and efforts to discredit us... HTC values product innovation and design, and we do not rule out the possibility of taking appropriate actions to protect the interests of our company and customers if necessary." 
   What do you think? Do you believe this is something which happens more widely? Is it plain out of order? Let us know in the comments below!
Via AndroidBeat, AFP and FocusTaiwan.



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