In a recent blog post Microsoft are seemingly not all that impressed by Facebook's brand new 'Home' launcher for Android which was announced yesterday. Microsoft’s Corporate Vice President of Corporate Communications, Frank Shaw said that when he saw the Facebook Home event yesterday he couldn't be sure if it “was still April Fools Day... [or] if it was somehow still 2011.”
Frank Shaw had this to say about how the team which built Windows Phone went about making everything:
"So, we got to work and built a phone that asked and answered questions like these:According to the blog post this means that, 'as Android owners know, that platform is complicated enough without adding another skin built around another metaphor, on top of what is already a custom variant of the OS. So, while we applaud Facebook for working to give some Android owners a taste of what a “people-centric” phone can be like, we’d humbly like to suggest that you get the real thing, and simply upgrade to a Windows Phone.' Obviously this is a self-promotional post, but we can understand why he's a little peeved because what Facebook said does sound remarkably similar to this advert.
Instead of rows and rows of apps, why not have a screen full of the people that matter most to you, and start with them?
Instead of having to launch an app to see what’s behind that notification icon, why not just bring the content to the home screen?
Instead of having SMS and Facebook Messaging as separate chat threads, why not bring them together in one conversation?
Instead of having separate address books for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Skype, why not bring those together in one place?
Instead of having photos on your phone and photos in Facebook, why not bring those photos together in one place?
Instead of having to launch an app just to check in, why not just tap your own face and do it directly?"