Monday, 8 April 2013

First leaks of the Facebook Home apps appear on MoDaCo: You should probably hold on until Friday though.

   Facebook Home might not officially be available until the 12th of this month, which is this Friday, but that hasn't stopped the unfinished APK's popping up on the internet.

   This time MoDaCo have managed to pull the APK's from the pre-released ROM of the HTC First. Apparently everything is a little buggy and it's not all perfected, for example the Paul O'Brian says he can't get 'Chat Heads' to work perfectly, but if you're wondering how everything will look with Facebook Home then this is a good starting point.

   MoDaCo have kindly re-signed everything so that it's all more secure. The only things you need are a device a 720p resolution, because it's not optimised for 1080p and you'll have to totally uninstall your existing Facebook apps. MoDaCo reports that 'this will automatically exclude some devices which have Facebook installed in the base ROM', Neuxs devices on the other hand work fine with the apps.

   To download the apps and for some support with installing them, head over to MoDaCo. If you're not too bothered about an immediate install then we would suggest holding out until Friday to get one that, hopefully, works without as many prerequisites.


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