Friday, 20 April 2012


Uh-oh did the new Samsung Galaxy leak today along with S-cloud?!?!

   With all of the rumours and hype being generated around Samsung's successor to the Galaxy S2 we may well have seen our first glimpse of the new device today! The reported device on the video has a quad-core 1.4Ghz processor as well as a 720p HD display, which appears to be different to that of the Galaxy Nexus, which also crops up in the video.

   The second rumoured leak today is that Samsung plans to launch S-cloud with the Galaxy S3 which is to all intents and purposes a copy of iCloud. The rumours suggest that you will be given 'unlimited' storage options instead of having iCloud's limits. Which sounds like a very, very appealing feature. 

   We'll have to wait and see if this is the device Samsung brings to London on the 3rd of May, but it looks very likely that the cat is out of the bag!

Nokia shoots a whole advertisement using the Pureview 808!

   The Nokia Pureview is the best camera phone in the world by a little bit more than a country mile. It packs in a 41MP camera and still manages to look like and work like a phone! Nokia have really gone to great lengths to show off this phone in the advert above. Yes they hired models, yes they used professional lighting but they also shot everything on the phone and it does look amazing I must admit. 

   It really does show, if you put the tech in the right hands amazing things can be achieved. Given the amount of movies we saw shot with the Nokia N8, it does look like we're in for a few treats when this phone meets the producers.

In other news;

  • The Kindle touch and the Kindle touch 3G have launched in the UK and Germany a week earlier than was planned.
  • Microsoft planning Skype for Xbox! This would work well with Kinect.
  • ICS hitting unlocked Galaxy S2's in the US of A!
  • The HTC One X is available in Canada on Roger's LTE network as of today!


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