Friday, 6 April 2012


Asus' new ploy to fix Transformer Prime GPS woes.

   The issues Asus has had with the gps functionality of its flagship tablet, the Transformer Prime, have been well documented. Asus has promised software enhancements to fix the issue but they don't seem to have silenced the disquiet of tablet owners with high expectations. 

    Asus has reached the point where they have acknowledged there are hardware issues with the device and they've got a plan to fix their issues. The company has announced they are to issue gps dongles to Transformer Prime owners who have suffered issues. The dongles will dock into the tablet where the keyboard dock usually does, so unfortunately you can only use the gps or the keyboard at one time which is still an annoyance but it is better than nothing.

   I must say it is good that Asus is offering after sale care for their customers, it's not something every company offers!

In other news:

  • Is there a new version of Android floating around? The launch of the HTC Evo 4g LTE yesterday uncovered a 'private' version of Android. It might just be HTC shiowed off a test build yesterday, but we can hope right?! 
  • Microsoft is paying developers to make more apps... again... to convince people their app store is a plausible alternative to iOS and Android.
  • Samsung expects record profits for the first quarter of this year, HTC meanwhile have announced they have had an atrocious quarter with total revenues down 37% and profits down by nearly half from the same quarter last year!!!
  • The rumoured upcoming Nexus tablet from Google has reportedly been pushed back until July, so we won't be hearing anything any time soon.
  • Football manager handheld 2012, is due on Android soon... best prepare to lose my free time!
  •  Motorola has pushed an update to it's MOTOACTV device and it now works with all Android phones, in the same way the Sony Ericsson LiveView does.


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