Sunday, 14 October 2012

Pheonix announce WebOS for Android.

   Pheonix have been quite an enigmatic entity since they announced themselves as saviours of WebOS earlier in the year. We weren't sure if the company was planning to build new WebOS hardware or whether they were working on a software solution to bring OpenWebOS to those who wanted it.

   We've learnt today that the company plans to make WebOS into an Android app! Previously most people expected a dual-boot solution would be the most likely way for the project to go. As you can see in the slightly blurry video below you boot Android and then WebOS opens, as an app, over the top! It's a fantastic idea, although being able to use it is still a little way off! The build is currently very early so we won't be using it on a daily basis for a little while yet!

   The only concern we have is that running WebOS on top of Android may require you to have a powerful device to get the most out of it. We're not sure what the performance will be like at the moment but we're assuming, that because the development in the video is on a Nexus S, the app will run on most devices!


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