Friday 24 February 2012


Google announces 'do not track' in Chrome.
   There's such a huge drive for internet privacy at the moment and Google has just added some more flames to the fire. They have added a 'do not track' button to their Chrome browser which will prevent them from collecting information about you. Some people really don't care about this sort of thing, but you probably should. People don't want companies to be able to trace you, when you know little or nothing about what they're collecting about you. 
   I have all my services with Google and I can tell by their targeted ads that they know exactly what my interests are on the internet which in some cases is useful for this blog but then when I think about it at other times I can't help but think they shouldn't know quite so much. But, then if I want random ads popping up I can change my privacy settings without too much hassle, but it is all personal preference.

Microsoft set to rebrand Zune and Windows Live and a new Office suite leaks.
    Two of Microsoft's most recognisable 'brands' are set to be rebranded with the coming of Windows 8, although we don't know what they're going to be called yet.
   As well as this Microsoft's Office 15 software has a touch interface so it looks like tablets are really going to be pushed BIG when Windows 8 finally hits later this year.

Nokia tops the Windows Phone sellers.
   So only a couple of months into the partnership and Nokia has been officially announced as the biggest selling windows phone vendor. They've managed to capture 33.1% of the Windows Phone sales already and the quote from Tom Kang from Strategy Analytics explains the rest. It looks like things will only get better with the introduction of further phones from Nokia.

“Nokia’s Microsoft smartphone growth during the quarter was achieved partly by capturing market share from HTC. This is a challenging development for HTC because it is also losing ground to Samsung in the Android segment. HTC is now at risk of being caught in a pincer movement between two giants of Samsung in Android and Nokia in Microsoft, and HTC must move with urgency to address the problem” Tom Kang, Director, Strategy Analytics.

In other news:
Netflix have cancelled their deal to create a Blackberry app and have decided to make one for the PS Vita instead, Ouch!

Tim Cook admits Apple have too much money in the bank! They only have $98million sitting around doing nothing.

The rumour mill suggest Samsung is planning to launch a bezel-free phone this year!

Apple might be about to drop the their traditional proprietary connector for a smaller version to free up space within their devices, but the chances are their new connector will be proprietary again and will be launched as an innovative new feature if I know anything about Apple.


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