Thursday, 9 February 2012

3 Day Summary

The Big 3 Day Summary.

Apple stores get protester visits.
   Apple stores worldwide, well Stores in London, New York, Washington, San Francisco, Sydney and Bangalor, will come under siege today as people challenging Apple's ethics are set to pop in and visit the outllets.The protestors aim is to make their opinion known about how Apple and it's suppliers treat employees out in the Far East. Apple insisted last week that they 'Care about every worker in their supply chain', and even if that isn't true the online petitions and store sit-ins will help sway Apple's attention to this problem.

Nokia N9 gets a tiny bit of the Ice Cream Sandwich.
   The beautiful Nokia N9, has today received a barely working, but none the less booting version, of Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. The NITDroid guys have previously been very successful in coaxing the N900 to run Android and this related project is well on its way to equalling that achievement.
   If they can get the build fully working N9 fans will have the best of both worlds; the beautiful Meego software running and the infinite supply of apps that Android would provide them with. Although, perhaps a Playbook-esque Android app player would kill both birds with one stone? But, either way this is a hugely exciting project.

Googlerola deal set for US approval?
   It seems that over the pond the Department of Justice is set to approve the deal on February the 13th. The Wall Street Journal did however mention that both the US and EU have concerns about how aggressive Google will be with Motorola's patents and how fair the terms of future licence agreements will be. But, the reality is that if Apple and everyone else is going to hound every penny out of other people for every little detail, why can't Google do the same?

HTC set to adopt some Nvidia chips.

  HTC is looking to utilise some of Nvidia's Tegra 3 chips in it's upcoming phones, if Digitimes sources are to be believed. Last year HTC relied solely on Qualcomm chips and this gave it a huge disadvantage in the race for Dual-Core because Tegra 2 phones were released far before Qualcomm caught up, which also put HTC at a disadvantage. 
   There are rumours HTC's first 'Hero' device of the year will be the HTC Edge which is expected to look like the picture above left. The second rumour is that HTC is looking to release a new tablet this year too, however it is unclear whether or not this will run on the Tegra 3 chipset.

Samsung passes on MWC: No press conference.
   Just in case anyone needed any more convincing the Galaxy S3, is definitely not coming at MWC 2012, nor is anything else of major note by the look of it. Samsung has come out and told PCMag that it will be keeping on the DL (down-low) through MWC this year, but they said their will be product reveals none the less. Samsung is rumoured to have a new tablet, possibly with a 2560x1600 display, a few new phones and an outline of where it plans on taking Tizen, now that Nokia has given up with Meego and Samsung has been passed the reigns by Intel.

Dell's Streak Pro D43 gets outed.
   The guys over at Engadget have been lucky enough to have a little looksie at Dell's and the world's first Baidu Yi power smartphone. They have said that this little beasty features a Super Amoled Plus qHD screen which is covered by a sheet of Gorilla Glass, a non-removal battery and all that in a 10.3mm thick shell, which makes this phone a little bit of a porker but nothing too hefty. 

Deals of the Week.
   HTC EVO 3D: 
   The Evo 3D is still available for £249 from ASDA, which is the last place I'd expect to look   but I can't knock it for that price.

   Blackberry Playbook:
   This isn't a deal really but the playbook is by far the best value tablet available at the moment, with the 16GB version available for £169 from the Dixons/Currys/PCWorld group, remember them Android apps are on their way this month!

   LG Optimus Black:
   Last years first Dual-Core phone really is going cheap, it's been available on Ebuyer for a penny short of £200, which is still a great deal.

   T-Mobile annouce the Full Monty:
   Finally someone has deicded to challenge 3's One Plan.Here's a brief comparison of what each of these plans give.

T-Mobile Full Monty

Three's The One Plan.
Annoyingly Three don't offer a nice little table, well not that I could find, like T-Mobile did, but Three offers it's customers.
2,000 any network minutes
5,000 Three-to-Three minutes
5,000 texts and All You Can Eat internet for £25 (Sim only)


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