Monday, 10 September 2012

So what if EE's announcement included this?


There was a huge amount of discontent from everyone, except Orange and T-Mobile, the other week when OFCOM officially gave the pair permission to roll out LTE on their existing spare spectrum. A move which gave the duo a monopoly on LTE services for the best part of a year.

   If these rumours are correct then the threats of legal action are going to be very real and there will be very heated debates after the press conference tomorrow!

   The rumours run that tomorrow Everything Everywhere will officially open up their 4G LTE service to consumers. There will be a rollout from tomorrow until Christmas, by which time 98% of the population will have access to these services! 98% in 3months, now that is impressive! It's worth considering that this will be a phased turn on, much like the recent digital switch over so you won't necessarily have the service from day 1!

   On top of this the upcoming iPhone will have LTE, it's pretty much a banker. So if we have EE with the only LTE network in the country then we can put two and two together and we have an EE exclusive on an LTE iPhone in the UK!!!!

   Ohh, you remember the Nokia Lumia 920 and 820, well they will come with LTE too and there's been a lot of rumours of that EE is looking to get exclusives on these too. It seems most people are expecting to see this too!

   And finally, the word is that Everything Everywhere will officially be shortened to EE. Short and effective. But, we'll have to see what tomorrow holds for official confirmation of all of this!

Via DigitalSpy, The Daily Telegraph, The Independent.


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