Friday, 6 July 2012


The news in brief. 

  • Rovio areumoured to be creating a version of Angry Birds that will allow players to switch sides and play as the dastardly pigs! There seems to be infinite ways to keep the game fresh!
  • Sony have announced that their All Star Battle Royale will be available between the 23rd and 26th of October depending on where you live!
  • Xbox live is down in selected countries!!! 
  • Hot on the heels of the Samsung Galaxy Chat, Motorola have outed the Defy Pro in a bit to lure Blackberry users to Android.
  • The cost of the Nexus 7 has been estimated at $184 so with shipping included the device really is just about breaking even!
  •  An Amazon made smartphone has been widely tipped today as the company looks to continue the success of the Kindle Fire with a smartphone running their forked version of Android. 
  • Samsung have posted an estimated $5.9billion profit for Q2 2012 as their ceaseless march to world domination continues.
  • HTC on the other hand saw their profits down 57% from this time last year as their One Series devices wane in popularity; The X has been superseded by the Galaxy S3 and the S and V are just too expensive for what they offer!


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